Top 10 TED Talks on Team Management

TED talks offer valuable insights on a wide range of topics, including team management. Here are ten TED talks on team management that, we think, provide inspiration and practical advice:

  1. "Why good leaders make you feel safe" by Simon Sinek:

    • Simon Sinek explores the importance of creating a safe and trusting environment within teams and organizations, emphasizing the role of leadership in achieving this.
  2. "The power of vulnerability" by Brené Brown:

    • Brené Brown discusses the connection between vulnerability and effective leadership, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and empathy in team management.
  3. "How to manage for collective creativity" by Linda Hill:

    • Linda Hill shares insights on how to foster collective creativity within teams, drawing from her research on innovative organizations.
  4. "The puzzle of motivation" by Dan Pink:

    • Dan Pink delves into the science of motivation and how traditional carrot-and-stick approaches may not be as effective as intrinsic motivation in managing teams.
  5. "The happy secret to better work" by Shawn Achor:

    • Shawn Achor explores the link between happiness and productivity, offering practical strategies for promoting a positive work environment.
  6. "The skill of self-confidence" by Dr. Ivan Joseph:

    • Dr. Ivan Joseph discusses the importance of self-confidence in leadership and how it can be developed and nurtured within teams.
  7. "Dare to disagree" by Margaret Heffernan:

    • Margaret Heffernan explores the value of encouraging constructive disagreement within teams to foster innovation and better decision-making.
  8. "Everyday leadership" by Drew Dudley:

    • Drew Dudley shares a compelling story about everyday leadership and how small actions can have a profound impact on team dynamics and morale.
  9. "The art of stress-free productivity" by David Allen:

    • David Allen provides practical insights into time management and productivity, which are essential skills for effective team management.
  10. "Why you will fail to have a great career" by Larry Smith:

    • Larry Smith challenges common excuses and misconceptions that hinder individuals from pursuing their full potential in leadership roles.

These TED talks offer a wealth of knowledge on team management. They provide valuable perspectives and strategies for individuals looking to enhance their skills in managing and leading teams effectively.

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